viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Is it profitable Green Energy in Ireland?

Hello again,

I have been busy for a long time, but I'm here again.

A few weeks ago I traveled to Ireland. While I was going to Cork by train (for a long time) I was watching what kind of energy was used in the houses.

A question was coming again and again..... Could be profitable installing solar panels where sun shines 20 days a year? And why not wind turbines?

I saw some houses with water heaters and wind turbines, but only a few houses. Why?

Ireland have a capacity of  2,652 MW against 25,000MW in Spain. However, UK is going to import Energy from Ireland  that will be generated by huge wind turbines. Those turbines are 182 meters tall higher than tallest wind turbine in Spain of 154 meters.

SEAI Is the Irish Authority of Energy, we can read in web page:

"Renewable energy resources are abundantly available in Ireland. However, only a fraction of these resources have been tapped so far"

And Why I'm writting about all this things? I'm going to live in Ireland from the next week, so I'll follow the evolution of Clean Energy Investments in Ireland, UK and Spain.

I'm thinking in a new home made project, perhaps, playing with wind.... Lets see......

Tranquilos, Que CASTOR ya ha cobrado

Buenos días,

Hoy me he levantado con una noticia que esperábamos, y así lo escribí en el blog en esta entrada: Castor y los chancullos políticos de siempre. Suponíamos que no se iba a tardar mucho, para que el Estado, con dinero público, terminara pagando una mala inversión privada al igual que se hizo con los bancos, autovías de peaje, y más cosas incomprensibles.

Nada menos que nos ha costado a los españoles 1350 millones de euros, con la que está cayendo en España, no está nada mal ¿verdad?

Además, rapidito, para que mis amigos estemos contentos.

El Gobierno aprobó en octubre un pago de más de 1.350 millones de euros

Precisamente también he me ha hecho mucha gracia este vídeo de los morancos que nos viene al pelo.

Nos vemos!!